Golf Psychology

Everyone Says You Have The Game. But Why Are The Results Eluding You?

You are probably a good player. You’ve got ability. But maybe your talent isn’t manifesting itself in your results. Maybe you are excellent on the range. But get a scorecard in your hand, and the practise game disappears!. But why is this happening?

Maybe This Scenario is Familiar…

The par four fourteenth. You are playing well. A great drive off the tee. A well-executed six iron, right to the heart of the green. Setting up an excellent birdie opportunity. From tee to green you are consistent. A nice four footer for a three. It looks a simple putt.

But maybe it’s anything but simple. For if you have lost all confidence in the putter, putts around the closing holes are never easy. Probably used to be a strength of your game. But inside maybe you believe that you are a bad putter.

The grip on the putter tightens. But, there’s nothing you feel that you can do about it. The doubts are starting to hold sway again.

Golf PsychologyTypically, you leave it miserably short. Scared of going too far past. Then, with a three footer for a solid par, you drag it left. To your horror, he then watch your bogey putt miss on the right. Leaving you with a sinking feeling. Do you recognise this scenario?

You Want To Throw The Putter In The Lake…

You probably want to throw your putter in the lake. In moments like this, golf stops feeling like fun. You know that things have to change. You can’t carry on like this.

Maybe you have read all the books, by the gurus like Dr. Bob Rotella. And paid thousands of pounds for lessons over the years. But somehow, the doubts don’t seem to go away.

The reason for that, is books can help. But they are not as effective as having an expert right there, by your side, to help you every step of the way.

Also, golf coaches are good at resolving technical issues. But, from my experience, they do not have the expertise to help with problems related to how a player is thinking.

You might have considered calling a golf psychologist before. But maybe, you thought that things would somehow get better. Or, you weren’t really sure what was involved. Or would it really work? Surely they are going to give you too many things to think about and over-complicate your game?

The Many Things That Can Impact On Your Game…

Do you recognise any of these behaviours that can hold back your talent?

  • Negative thoughts that eat away at confidence. Doubts set in.
  • Simple putts are missed – You dread those little putts…
  • You become ultra cautious – The fun goes out of the game…
  • You have doubts over what club to take? – Indecision sets in
  • You build up anxieties about particularly holes – You repeat the same mistakes!
  • You rush shots – You want to get it over with…
  • You take too long over shots – You know your going to hook it!
  • You go mad at yourself when you hit a bad shot – It must help…but does it?
  • A good round disintegrates – Again and again!

Who Has Benefited From Golf Psychology…

Ewen Ferguson Wins Maiden Title!

golf psychologyScottish golfer Ewen Ferguson contacted me in the 2021 season.

He wanted me to help him secure his World Golf tour card, by qualifying from The Challenge Tour.

We secured the card with time to spare.

And now this season Ewen has gone to another level, securing his maiden World Tour title, with success in the Qatar Masters.

And then followed up that win with a three shot victory at The World Invitational in Ballymena.

Ewen now believes that everything is possible.

What’s possible for you if you were to have unlimited belief in you and your game!


Connor Syme Matches Talent With Results!

golf psychology






Scottish golfer Connor Syme had experienced an unsuccessful 2021 season.

A talented player who had not quite matched his ability with results.

Connor contacted me to see if I could help him maximise his talent.

In the following 2023 season Connor turned in two second places and a third place on the DP World Tour.

A remarkable achievement that had him talked about in some circles, as a potential Ryder Cup player.

When you match your talent with Mental Preparation then everything becomes possible!



Colin Montgomerie Hadn’t Won In Seven Years…


golf psychology

Colin Montgomerie hadn’t won a tournament since his win at the European Open in 2007. In 2013 Colin picked up the phone to tap into my knowledge.

He had just missed the cut at the Indian Open, and was in urgent need of re-discovering his winning ways.

After a single Golf Psychology session, Colin’s problems were fixed, and within months he secured the Senior Masters Title at Woburn.

Followed up by victory in the US Seniors Open.

Colin has subsequently won five more events on the Seniors tour, and is testimony to what can happen when the mental side of your game is a good as your technique.

So How Can You Become A Winner And A Champion?…

Golf PsychologyMy golf psychology will help you transform your talent into results. I understand why things go wrong on the golf course. And I know how to get your game back on the winning track.

We can work on any aspect of your mental game that needs fixing. My wish is to get you enjoying your golf again. I will be helping you develop simple but hugely effective strategies, to get you playing to your ability.

Now is the time to seize back the scores, that reflect your golfing potential. Before the moment passes.

Call Me…

telephone_ff0000You may be the sort of person that needs a chat first, to get a feel of what I am like. A bit like trying out a new club from the pro shop. If that’s the case, simply pick up the phone. I’d be delighted to talk about your golf, and any concerns you may have.

Here’s my personal UK mobile number – 077897 56425

Lets Get Your Game Back On Track With Golf Psychology…

I have been studying the secrets of sports psychology for over 24 years. There are very few golfing challenges, that I have not resolved.

So – here’s the opportunity to get your golf game back on track immediately.

Please write a response to each of these questions, then send it to me using the ‘Start Coaching’ button at the end of the form. You will then receive an email invitation, or call from me, to arrange your first session.

Remember – you could wait and hope that by magic, your game returns. That somehow your game will get better. But experience tells me that rarely happens. There is a reason why you are under-performing. The sooner we get started, the faster you will be back to your best.

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