Gymnastics Psychology

She Had A Bad Case Of Lost Move Syndrome. She Was About To Give Up The Sport. Now Bryony Page Is An Olympic Silver Medallist. What Could You Achieve With Renewed Confidence!

Bryony Page Gymnastics PsychologyGymnastics and trampolining, are sports where confidence is absolutely critical. You are being asked to execute extremely complex and difficult routines at high speed.

If you have a shred of doubt or uncertainty about what you are going to do, and how you are going to do it, then this can compromise your commitment to the routine. And, of course, negatively influence the outcome.

Doubts caused by:

  • Tiredness (maybe you have gone straight to the gym from school)
  • Poor Concentration (perhaps you are performing in a new venue)
  • Lack Of Focus (you have not thought through your routine)
  • These doubts can lead to falls. And falls can lead to lack of trust, which in turn creates a lack of confidence and belief. Moves which you could do before in your sleep, become impossible!

And in extreme cases, lead to Lost Move Syndrome. That is when the performer cannot recall a move, they may have been performing with ease, only a short period before.

Lost Move Syndrome can be so frustrating for a performer, that without expert help, they can be forced to give up their sport.

The mind-body relationship, is so critical in these gymnastic disciplines, that any breakdown in confidence can cause you to lose trust, so vital to success.

Sports PsychologyFor the last twenty four years, I have been researching confidence…what it is…where it goes when we lose it…how to regain it. Studying the best-kept secrets of the worlds most confident performers in sport.

I assist gymnasts and trampolinists such as Olympic Silver Medallist, Bryony Page. Bryony was desperate for help, and about to give up the sport. So bad was her case of Lost Move Syndrome. Most the the coaches thought it was unsolveable… But with my help, Bryony turned her career around and in Rio had the world talking about her!!

What could you achieve with Bryony Page like confidence?

I Have Recently…

  • Helped an Olympic gymnast, who had been left out in the cold, regain his place in the national team.
  • Helped a diver who had become resigned to never being able to dive again, restore his enthusiasm for their sport.
  • Helped a trampolinist who had been suffering from Lost Move Syndrome, recover her move in a matter of weeks.
  • Helped an experienced gymnast, who had lost her enthusiasm for the sport, secure a national title.
  • Helped a young diver who had lost confidence, not only break through and perform a personal best, but win international honours.

So – I am uniquely placed to help you back on track.

Why Is Gymnastic Confidence Lost?

So here are some of the top reasons which cause lost confidence;

  • When a coach constantly focuses on what a gymnast has done wrong rather than on the things they do right
  • When a gymnast loses their moves (Lost Move Syndrome)
  • When performer develops fear of the judges
  • When the national squad drops a performer and fails to offer an explanation
  • When a performer is constantly criticised – by team-mates and management
  • When a gymnast starts comparing themselves unfavourably to others
  • When a performer loses form and doesn’t know why
  • When a trampolinist starts beating themselves up, for underperforming
  • When a performer loses confidence and lack the mental strength to turn things around

Once confidence has gone, doubt and uncertainty take over. The insecure performer enters a phase of negative behaviour which becomes increasingly difficult to break.

Fear of defeat leads to indecision, which leads to further self-doubt, which leads to failure. A cycle of failure is established.

So How Best To Recover Confidence?

My confidence coaching is designed to help you overcome the doubts and get your gymnastics confidence back as quickly as possible.

Remember – I understand why we lose confidence and more importantly how to get it back.

If you have never experienced confidence coaching before, then I would like to offer you a coaching taster session.

The coaching taster is a free, no obligation 30 minute telephone coaching session. During the session, you will get a chance to speak to me about what has happened to your gymnastics confidence.

Gymnastics PsychologyIn return, I will offer you insights that explain why you have lost your confidence, and simple, practical tips to get you started, straight away, to beating the doubts.

Following this conversation, we will create a simple plan together, that will enable you to build lasting confidence.

So – here’s an opportunity to get the coaching process moving immediately.

Please write a response to each of these questions, then send it to me using the ‘Start Coaching’ button at the end of the form. You will then receive an invitation from me, for your FREE Confidence Coaching session.

This is a NO OBLIGATION session, that allows you to experience the power of Confidence Coaching.

Remember – you could wait and hope that by magic, your gymnastics confidence returns. But experience tells me that rarely happens. There is a reason why you have lost your confidence. The sooner we get started, the faster you will be back to your confident gymnastic best.

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