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What Could You Achieve If You Had More Confidence?

Martin Perry - Confidence Coaching, Sports PsychologyIt is easy to think that lost confidence is lost forever. That you’ll never get that winning feeling back. That you’ll always be on the cusp of success. That the breakthrough will remain elusive.

A run of defeats can feel like they will never end. You have forgotten what it feels like to be successful. Frustration eats away at you. You know you have the talent. It just isn’t being matched by achievement.

But beneath the feelings of uncertainty, the real confident you is desperate to break out. Maybe it’s the time to smash the lock of under-performance, blame and anxiety.

Remember I understand why we lose confidence and more importantly how to get it back.

Why Do We Lose Confidence?…

There are many reasons why confidence is lost in sport:

  • Confidence can be destroyed by an unforgiving coach who only ever highlights your weaknesses rather than your strengths.
  • A succession of defeats or poor performances can undermine confidence.
  • Difficult team-mates who may not make you welcome in the dressing-room.
  • Long-term injury can have a negative effect on confidence
  • Unexpected downturns in form can lead to fragile confidence.

Who Will Benefit From Sports Psychology?…

Sports PsychologyI have worked in over thirty different sports, so there is every chance I have come across someone in your situation before. That gives me valuable insights into how to rebuild your confidence with the minimum fuss and maximum certainty!

Here are some recent examples of people I have helped…

  • A boxer whose confidence was brittle, after a heavy defeat.
  • An exceptional young ice-skater who hated competition!
  • A squash player who was choking on the verge of success.
  • A rugby player who was being criticised by fans and media.
  • A cricketer who had completely lost confidence in their ability.

Here’s How To Recover Lost Confidence…

Sports PsychologyMy confidence coaching will help you take you to a new level. You may have thought of calling someone like me before. But maybe you weren’t sure what was involved. Or even if it would work?

Never mind what others would say if they found out you had been seeing a Confidence Coach! (Don’t worry – everything we do, will take place in the strictest confidence. I do not talk to the press or radio about the work I do with my clients).

The first step is to arrange an initial meeting or phone call. In this call, I will show you how to take your game to another level.

Here’s The Next Step…

So – here’s the chance to get your career moving forward immediately.

telephone_ff0000Option 1: CALL ME ON – (UK Callers): 077897 56425

(Outside UK) : +44 77897 56425

Option 2: Or fill in the form below, then send it to me using the ‘Start Coaching’ button at the end of the form. You will then receive an invitation from me, via email or phone, to arrange a time to speak.

Remember – you could wait and hope that by magic, your confidence returns. But experience tells me that rarely happens. There is a reason why you have lost your confidence. The sooner we get started, the faster you will be back to your confident best.

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