Tennis Psychology

Do You Close Out Your Matches With Confidence. Or Do You Choke On The Verge Of Success?…

Tennis PsychologyIt can be tough being a competitive tennis player. You probably have lots of natural ability. Everyone tells you how good you are, on your day. You know yourself that you are good. And you also know, that you should be challenging for titles and trophies.

But time and again, your performances just don’t match that ability. And the more frustrated you become, the worse it seems to get!

Five Minutes To A Shower And Cool Drink…Or So You Thought!

Do you recognise this match scenario? You have your opponent on the ropes. Its your serve. This for the match. Just hold your nerve and you’ll be off the court in five minutes. A cool drink. A shower. Then time to reflect on a job well done. Or so you think.

Next thing you know, you’ve lost serve and they have momentum. From a match that you had in your grasp, you’re now struggling to think straight. What has happened?

Did The Tension Get To You?

Tennis PsychologyYou probably started to feel tense. Feel sweat on your palms. Sense your breathing getting shallow. Why? Because you didn’t believe that you could win. Didn’t believe that if you carried on doing what you were doing, the match was yours for the taking. Or maybe you have simply forgotten how to win.

Don’t be too down on yourself, if you find it tough to close out matches. When you’ve done all the hard work to get into a winning position, then suddenly find yourself losing a game, that was yours to win. Closing out matches is a habit. And a habit I will show you how to develop.

What Is Choking?…

Choking is when a player who performs well in practice, is unable to perform anywhere near the same level in competition. It can also apply to a player who can play well in matches when there is little or no pressure, but chokes when faced with match situations that have more pressure.

Typically players who choke become so nervous and filled with anxiety that they lose all “feel” for the ball. Feelings of self-doubt and anxiety set in, and performance levels drop.

The first thing to realize is that choking is a mental problem. And your ability to take your “practice game” to the court, is critical if you want to be successful.

It’s Frustration Pie For Dinner…

Tennis PsychologyThere is nothing more frustrating than losing to players, with far less talent than you have. With each defeat, your confidence worsens. You start to get tense on critical points. Your timing starts to go, as you overhit everything. And the more mistakes, you make, the more frustrated you become. Sound familiar?

A run of defeats, can feel like they will never end. You may have forgotten what it feels like to be successful. The harder you try, the worse it seems to get. Frustration eats away at you. You know that you have the talent. It just isn’t being matched by achievement.

But beneath the feelings of uncertainty, there is a confident tennis player, desperate to breakthrough. Maybe now is the time, to break out of the lock of under-performance, blame and anxiety?

My tennis psychology will help you overcome the doubts, and rebuild your tennis confidence. Within days, you will be closing out matches, that you deserve to win.

Remember – As a Tennis Psychologist, I understand why we lose confidence, and more importantly how to get it back.

Why Do We Lose Confidence?…

There are many reasons, why confidence is lost in tennis:

  • Confidence can be destroyed by an unforgiving coach who only ever highlights your weaknesses, rather than your strengths.
  • A succession of defeats or poor performances, can undermine confidence.
  • Failure to close out matches, can weaken confidence very quickly
  • Long-term injury can have a negative effect on confidence
  • Unexpected downturns in form can lead to fragile confidence.

Who Will Benefit From Tennis Psychology?…

Tennis Psychology will benefit those of you who play tennis, at professional or amateur level. Recently I helped:

  • A tour player whose confidence was brittle after a run of losses.
  • An experienced professional, who was choking on the verge of success.
  • A talented junior player, who was being undermined by self-doubt.
  • An emerging player, who was being constantly criticised by their coach.
  • A former champion, who had completely lost confidence in their ability.

Tennis Psychology Can Do What Your Coach Can’t!

If you have never experienced the results that tennis psychology delivers, then I would like to invite you to work with me.

Your tennis coach is probably good at helping you resolve technical issues. But very few coaches have the experience to help you overcome doubts and become mentally strong. Become a confident tennis player. It’s my wish, to make it as easy as possible for you to take the next step.

The Future Is Not The Same As The Past!

We can work on any aspect of your mental game that needs fixing.

  • Maybe you lose concentration at key moments?
  • Perhaps you fail to take out your opponent when they are down?
  • Or does your temperament get the better of you?
  • Perhaps you are great in practise but under-perform in competition?

Tennis PsychologyMy wish, is to get you enjoying your tennis again. I will be helping you develop simple, but hugely effective strategies, to get your game back on track.

So if you get the feeling your tennis success depends on my sort of coaching, I strongly urge you to act now.

Give Me A Call…

telephone_ff0000If you would like to call me, before you decide to go ahead and engage my services, then here is my personal mobile number – (UK Callers) : 077897 56425

(Outside UK): +44 77897 56425

Lets Get Your Game Back On Track..

I have been studying the secrets of confidence for over 24 years. There are very few tennis challenges, that I have not resolved.

So – here’s an opportunity to start transforming your game immediately.

Please write a response to each of these questions.

Then send it to me using the ‘Start Coaching’ button at the end of the form. You will then receive an invitation from me, for your Tennis Psychology session.

Remember – You could wait and hope that by magic, your confidence returns. But experience tells me that rarely happens. There is a reason why you have lost your confidence. The sooner we get started, the faster you will be back to your confident best.

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