Sports Psychology: Tom Maynard – A Warrior Spirit!

ThisCricket Psychology morning Surrey cricketer Tom Maynard passed away. I had the pleasure of knowing Tom for three years, and he was a truly special individual.

Tom had an unwavering sense of principle and deep rooted values, that he always held to,
allied with a warrior spirit that loved a challlenge.

Tom had no fear of failure, and loved to test himself against the best. I will always remember the joy on his face, when he leapt into the Lord’s crowd last summer after Surrey had won the CB 40 final, to hug his mother and gran.

He had a quality that was vital to the success of the teams he played in; that is he gave all of himself to the cause, and his passion was contagious.

Tom had an unwavering sense of loyalty and allegiance, and always stood by people close to him. He will be deeply missed.

Posted in Cricket Psychology, Sports Psychology Blog.